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About Us

Our Motto
Serving others gives us a purpose bigger than ourselves.

Centered Around Christ, Inc., (CAC) a 501(C)3 organization, grew out of an incident which took place in the Spring of 2000 when an Ameritech Company (now AT&T) employee, Glenda Hoffman, began handing out potato chips left over from her daughter’s high school post-prom party to the homeless men on the street that she passed on her way to work at the phone company in the downtown area.

One day, one of the men called out to her, and said, “Do you know what we call you? The ‘Chip Lady.’  Everyone watches for you.”

From that simple act of kindness, a lifetime ministry was born for Glenda Hoffman. She began to bring sandwiches and other snacks to hand out going to and from her parking lot, and got to know many of Indianapolis’ homeless “visible yet invisible” residents .

Today, Glenda is an outspoken advocate for the homeless in Indianapolis. Her telecommunications career spans more than 35 years but her avocation is working with the homeless on the downtown streets of Indianapolis.

Centered Around Christ is a dynamic service organization that is run by all volunteers. This ministry was created to serve the people who primarily reside in Marion County and are poverty-stricken, homeless, or temporarily without housing due to disasters or emergencies. CAC is able to supply food, clothing, hygiene items, cleaning supplies, household goods and furniture to those in need. We also provide support to area homeless camps in the form of tents, sleeping bags, blankets and groceries upon request. Our partnerships with Midwest Food Bank and Caring Transitions Indy West Estate Sales provide a substantial portion of the donations we receive along with donations from many individuals. Tharp Investments, two Indianapolis churches and a few individual volunteers donate much needed storage space to hold the donations until they can be distributed. Deliveries and donation pickups are made using one large box truck as well as privately owned trucks, trailers, SUVs and automobiles.

Glenda Hoffman has thrown her heart, her energy, and her finances into the four facets of ministry work sponsored by Centered Around Christ, Inc.  Together with her husband, Andy, and a volunteer force of nearly 200, (including many AT&T Pioneers, coworkers, friends, and various church groups,) four distinct and ongoing efforts are facilitated by the corporation. Glenda has championed values of respect, responsibility, and reverence for the quality of all human life.  Thanks to her dynamic and determined leadership, CAC, INC. currently focuses on four distinct areas of involvement:

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8148 East Landersdale Road
Camby, IN 46113
P: 317-840-6406